The Documentation Bundle
This bundle is jam packed with all that you need to start documenting the learning that happens during play. Join Kristen for a 1 hour pre-recorded training and get a PD certificate as well! You will also get access to a documentation guide, 55+ pages of language highlighting what children are learning when they play 75 different things, a language cheat sheet, and Canva documentation template! All bundled together on one easy to use PDF.
Watch the video see some of the downloads within the bundle and how you can pair the Canva template with language from the guide to make a simple documentation page!

Training & PD certificate
Play can be overlooked because worksheets and assessments are easier to show the adults outside of the early childhood classroom the progress a child is making. But there is a better way. Kristen will guide you through a series of exercises to familiarize you with your state's early learning benchmarks/standards and apply them to videos of children in play to extract the learning happening.

They Are Learning When... Ultimate Guide
This is gold! We've taken some of the most common sensory, literacy, art, open-ended, outdoor, physical, imaginative, and invitational play activities and written up exactly what children are learning. You may know what children are learning when they are using tape, but do others?

Canva Documentation Template
Take the language right from the "They Are Learning When... Ultimate Guide" and pair it with a few images. It's that easy, you'll have documentation that you can display, put into a book, share with at-home-caregivers, and more!

What you will get!
In this bundle, you will get so much to help simplify documentation and to make it really clear how and what children are learning when "they just play all day".
✅ 1 hour pre-recorded training with Kristen on becoming a Play Detective
✅ PD certificate
✅ Documentation guide that walks you through exactly what documentation is, how to be a play detective, and gives ideas on how to display it.
✅ Language cheat sheet with keywords and things to look for when observing in literacy and language, social/emotional, physical, and cognitive domains.
✅ Canva documentation template to show PLAY IS LEARNING. Simply drop in photos of children playing and pair with language we've already written for you!
✅ They Are Learning When... Ultimate Guide that has 55+ pages highlighting all the learning happening across domains for 75 play activities.
After you check-out, you will get an email with the download!